Professional Supplier of Nano-Targeted Drug Scientific Research Products

Quantum Dots

PEG Quantum Dots, Emission Wavelength 600nm

Catalog: TASK-12-1000129   CAS NO.: N/A
  • 2nmol
  • 10nmol


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PEG Quantum Dots can be used in photothermal therapy, where they absorb light and convert it into heat. This localized heating effect can be utilized for targeted destruction of cancer cells or other therapeutic purposes. Additionally, they are applied in environmental sensing for the detection of pollutants and analytes. Their fluorescence properties and stability make them suitable for monitoring environmental conditions.


Emission Wavelength600nm
SolventDI water
Reaction GroupPEG
Concentration8 uM
Ship Within1 week
Storage Temp.2-8℃
Shipping4-25℃ for up to 3 weeks
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